Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thoughts on Winning

Nobody likes to lose, and whoever loses reacts differently. What is a loss really? Is there a loss without a win somewhere? In the big picture? The idea of looking at life like a constant struggle against something, anything, is simply futile. Whether humans or inhumans, that’s quite irrelevant. To lose is for losers. Yet winners don’t always win. And it’s interesting to wonder what causes a win and what causes a loss. Is it attitude? Is it personal integrity? Is it something different? Wondering on the idea of winning or losing is not simple. But merely thinking about action and reaction in this framework stimulates a distance from reality. A subjective distance that suits temporary mood swings. The mind wonders. Ideas flow, unexpectedly, in imbalance. The human mind loses control. That’s a loss again. Is there anything to win? Well, behavior stimulated by ideas is a form of winning. The win of the thought over action, no matter how you see it. Can everyone see it? Can anyone see you? Who knows! Is it relevant? It could potentially be, but it doesn’t have to be, really. Back to the issue of integrity. Is integrity merely the interrelationship between winning and losing? Are those the two sides of the same coin? Unknown.


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